This is my story


I am honored to meet you.

I am Bogdana Maria Elena, long name I know that I proudly wear. You can call me B.

I love people and life in every little detail. To feel and see joy and love in every situation that I experience is part of who I am.

You can call me a book addict but also a connector, connecting ideas, people and perspectives. For a long time I have been and still am part of many synchronizations in people's lives, believing that the ones that are sharing my path are there for a reason. They are my mentors and teachers, as I see every encounter as a learning experience. Life is fascinating when you give yourself permission to see different perspectives and receive with an open heart (always filtered by my intuition).

Lucky to be raised by three amazing human beings, I was blessed with so many gifts such as the sensitivity from my mother, the entrepreneurship skills, creativity from my father and my trust in God, in my intuition and in life from my grandmother. My brother is the one that keeps me grounded. I always knew that I would be alright and I would have everything I needed no matter what. 


My process of transformation

It is said how important it is to do things at the right time. During my twenties I was fortunate that all my life circumstances gave me the career experiences to learn a lot about corporate business, to value and to trust myself. In 2004 I started as a bank officer in a well known bank from Romania. In three years I was promoted to different positions (from bank officer to retail credit officer and to SME credit officer) and ended as a branch manager in that bank.

I was so driven and obsessed to be a corporate relationship manager that I didn't settle until I got this job that I had wanted even from my college graduation day. The next years were amazing. I learnt a lot. I was so fascinated seeing the difference in the mindset of the entrepreneurs from the same industry. I still am. I loved my job and my colleagues and the environment I was in.

But this came with a price: the rat box. You know when you just limit yourself and put yourself in a box and have the feeling that you don’t fit in, but a very comfortable box. I was in the rat box of targets with focus on doing all the time and many other things. I was so much on “doing mode” that I was selling the bank products all the time (I really mean this). Through every meeting, every night out, everything I did, my focus was to sell or to solve my clients challenges.

It was like I was Bugs Bunny put on repeat, not knowing when to stop. My closest friends still call me Bugs Bunny when it happens to go back to the “doing mode”. Nothing could stop me. The only thing that could stop me was a personal crisis that was like an eye opening and could bring me to the present moment.


The first wake up call was a medical issue. I had a surgery and gave some trouble to the doctors during it but it ended well. The first time I saw myself in the mirror after the surgery  I couldn't recognize myself. Funny, nine years later after this episode I realized why I love life so much. Only in the presence of death you become aware of what a great gift life is.

The next wake up call was motherhood. My children and my husband are my greatest mentors and also my greatest support. I see myself in them through everything they do. They were the ones that opened the door to my transformation stage. 

But you know, in order to become a butterfly you have to empty yourself as a cocoon. Now I know what this means. I have been there and I know what you feel. You might feel trapped and a lot of fear and confusion and you don’t know where to start. Maybe you feel very comfortable in a job that gives you a position or/and money but you are not happy with it. You might love what you do so much, but still identifying with your job/business and trying to “save the world”. You might have a business, a profitable one and you forget about yourself, family and don't have peace and joy in your life . There are many different situations. The result is the same. You feel that something is missing.

No matter what you are doing, if you forget about yourself and your life, you won't find fulfillment. Life is so precious and sometimes we take it for granted. Life can be so fun and amazing if we just could give us the chance to start to choose ourselves. Taking full responsibility over yourself and your life might be scary but it's definitely worth it. In the moment you become the creator of your own life, the door to limitless possibilities opens.   

The process of transformation is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs, but will definitely transform all that you knew you were and will give you the chance to see who you really are.

After a period of a few intense years working with myself and with an amazing coach, I started to see my life with a new pair of lenses. My soul was more and more hungry for a meaning, a purpose. I had more than fifty business ideas, sleepless nights, many dreams but I felt none of them. My "why" was fear, not love. Until one day when I saw that I was already doing what I was meant to do and it was filling me with a lot of joy.

The next years were about learning to honor myself and my dreams. I volunteered as a business coach to a community of business moms and I was so fortunate to see the changes that these moms were doing in their lives. At the same time I was feeling that it was not enough to work on their business, it was their mindset that needed to shift.

So I started to search a coaching school all over the world. It took me a year to find it:)). I am so grateful for getting to the right mentors. I chose the Mind Learners Coaching  School and it was the best decision that I had ever made. It was in sync with who I am and my vision of coaching. I learned a lot but also experienced another transformation process. You know the saying "you can’t teach what you don’t experience", so I experienced it. It was powerful.

This year I was blessed. Late this summer I had the chance to go to the US at the Evercoach Summit, a coaching conference with the best from the coaching industry. It was the shift that opened the doors to limitless possibilities. For the first time I felt that everything was connected, ready to create the whole puzzle: all my experiences, all the people in my life, all I had learned, all who I am, everything.  


 You might feel how much I love transformation. I am grateful for every step of this process. There were days when I wanted to know the ending of it. Surprise! It never ends.  Now I accept this fact, seeing the deep transformation from within, from one shift to another.

I love who I am and I love all that it is in my life now.

Being of service with my heart open ready to support is the most beautiful way I could make a difference in this world. I can see you and you can see yourself in me. I can see you as a leader serving through your presence every person that you meet. You are the leader of yourself. I see you as a partner and a teacher and it will be my honor to walk with you on your path.

How about you? I would love to hear your story! Write to me.

Loving you,

Be love,
